Hi guys,
After 1,5 year later I am back. A lot has happened since I last wrote a blog text. The reason why I have not been active in my blog is because life happened. I got accepted to study Economics in Arcada University of Applied Sciences. Not soon after that I got work in a Gym called Forvever Myllypuro as a receptionist.
But some things remain the same. Like me and my boyfriend have now been together for over 3 years, I just have to say that time flies by when you are having fun. And boy have we had fun together, with our shorthaired chihuahua Poco who is now 1 year old. We have all sow moved twice since last time, the place we live in now feels like home from all the other flats.
You could wonder why I start to write again or anyway I do. First and fore most I want to inspire people to be healthy and stay in shape. Therefore I will give tips that have helped me to get where I am right now. Secondly, I got inspired by you readers after a year of not being active here, seeing people visiting my site daily made me want to do it again.
As you can see I have change the blog theme from fashion to fitness. That is because bodybuilding is a huge part of my life right now (has been for 3 years). But as I sad before in my blog text fashion will never go away from my heart. Fitness is something I enjoy very much, so much that someday I hope to compete. And a IFBB Pro card would not be bad (a girls got to have dream). So in my new exiting blog I am going to write about the big F:s that is of course Fitness & Fashion.
You are more then welcome to give feedback or comment! :)
xoxo Fitness Geek