SCORPIO Oct 23–Nov 21
Susan’s Take: Sensuous, sleek, and authoritative, Scorpio keeps life simple with a few well-cut, smart “uniforms.”
Joe’s Take: Scorpio has a reputation as the sex sign, so we accentuated ELLE photo assistant Louisa Parkinson’s amazing legs with cutoffs, but kept her top more modest and carefree—it’s flirty without the big reveal.

LIBRA Sept 23–Oct 22
Susan’s Take: Libra is polished, well-groomed; being supersocial also makes her trendy and creative.
Joe’s Take: It’s also the sign of balance and scales, and ELLE photo producer Julie Hammond works with budgets all day. To keep balance in her personal style, too, we chose elegant but extremely stylish menswear—and no crazy accessories.

VIRGO Aug 23–Sept 22
Susan’s Take: Virgo wants things to be productive, multifunctional; she appreciates tailoring, beautiful embellishments, and a solid investment.
Joe’s Take: In this crisp jacket and trousers, Rebecca Gordon, a professional astrologer, is practical, meticulous, detailed—here, every button, zipper, and seam makes a difference.

LEO July 23–Aug 22
Susan’s Take: Leo’s style reflects her healthy ego and major confidence. With her, nothing is halfhearted.
Joe’s Take: Female Leos are quite a bunch: headstrong, take-no-prisoners (see: Madonna, J.Lo). Graphic designer Stephanie Jones rocks a ’70s-inspired military jumpsuit—another big trend next spring—with killer heels.

CANCER June 22–July 22
Susan’s Take: Cancer adores girly, ultrafemme shapes and soft, beautiful fabrics.
Joe’s Take: Cancer is also considered the domestic sign. Since fashion publicist Kelly Ricci is always on the hunt for a look that’s both professional and fashion-savvy, we chose this cute print. It’s chic, elegant, and decor-inspired, reminding us of the comforts of home.

GEMINI May 21–June 21
Susan’s Take: Ruled by Mercury, Gemini—considered the smart and versatile planet—has a fashion editor’s eye.
Joe’s Take: The ultimate dual-personality sign! By day, Angela Bliumis is a hardworking ELLE assistant with a pared-down look, but her after-hours style is far more adventurous. This color-block dress is a 180-degree turn from her daywear.

TAURUS Apr 20–May 20
Susan’s Take: A Taurus, like Amy Zalneraitis, cofounder of Giftgenius.com, loves body-con clothing that shows off her killer figure. The “bull” sign likes to shop more than any other, but spends wisely.
Joe’s Take: It’s tough to get these stubborn types out of a style rut. The simple solution: chic classics that don’t date or scream but do mix and match.

ARIES Mar 21–Apr 19
Susan’s Take: Aries is an early adopter who adds her own twist to what’s new. She loves color and clean, dramatic lines.
Joe’s Take: Aries is constantly on the lookout for the next big thing. Makeup artist Tracy Alfajora bravely takes on the new fit ‘n‘ flare skirt shape that just popped up on Prada’s spring runway. Note: A shorter hemline makes this shape work.

PISCES Feb 19–Mar 20
Susan’s Take: Pisces puts her look together eclectically, the way a costume designer might dress an actor. She’s soft, feminine, and dreamy, and loves her fabrics the same way.
Joe’s Take: I find Pisces women so calming—perhaps it’s the naturalness with which they approach life. I wanted FIT student Aisha Allahi’s dress to convey the water-sign idea of floating through life. This diaphanous, tiered blue print feels elegant yet casual. Yes, she’s dressed up—Pisces love to dress up—but she doesn’t look stiff or matronly.

AQUARIUS Jan 20–Feb 18
Susan’s Take: The individualistic, independent Aquarius woman is always ahead of the fashion pack. Others may find her look shocking at first but they’ll end up copying her every move.
Joe’s Take: Unconventional, individual, and unwavering. Aquarius shuns black, classic shapes, and anything run-of-the-mill. Case in point: An assistant principal of an NYC public school, Jamie Watkins has an exuberant personality that pointed us toward a dress that’s loud and new—but still sophisticated, given the print and the lean, one-shoulder silhouette. She’s certainly not going to miss out on the fun.

CAPRICORN Dec 22–Jan 19
Susan’s Take: Capricorn’s look is well-bred, understated. Like Prada’s New York City store manager Chi Kim, Capricorns always manage to look like they come from wealth—the old-money kind—even if they don’t.
Joe’s Take: There’s a silent-killer quality with a Capricorn. She’s grounded, secure, practical. There’s not a lot of fuss in her style, but it’s never sloppy or drab; a true Cap will put an intelligent spin on the simplest basic. For Chi, we paired a simple fitted top (nipped jacket, men’s shirt), with high-waisted jersey harem pants—a little twist that makes a big difference.

Susan’s Take: Fresh-faced and natural, Sagittarius prefers elegant, relaxed, and unpretentious clothing that allows for ease and speed—she’s on the go!
Joe’s Take: I’m a Sagittarius and always rushing from place to place (or plane to plane), so I have to be ready to roll at all times. Like PR assistant Emily Gambir, I never want to look too done up. Emily’s classic trench, white T-shirt, and black leather pants (all of which I also own, minus the leather) get her where she needs to go without drowning her out. Sag has enough to say without her clothes speaking too.
xoxo fashion geek
My sign is Libra, i like the outfits great post...